Anti Terror planning

Anti Terror Security Planning

anti terror

Anti Terror

Why Do You Need An Anti-Terror Security Plan? 
After 9/11 it has become clear that the United States is under constant terrorist threat that endangers every kind of institution both public and private. George Tenet the former director of the CIA testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee saying that Al-Qaeda has turned its focus to “soft targets” or lesser-defended targets. Former FBI Director Robert Mueller testified that Al-Qaeda might attack soft targets such as schools, universities and houses of worship. As a result, day schools, summer camps, community centers, nursing homes and human service agencies are all vulnerable to a future terrorist attacks in the United States.

How Can A Security Plan Help You?
Terrorism though it may be an infrequent occurrence, does happen. The question that you need ask yourself is are you prepared for the moment when it strikes and the chaos that follows. Modern terrorism takes on many forms and can affect you in various ways and is not limited to a physical attack. Terrorist events are known to break down critical information and communication systems, which cause economic disruption and damage. Terrorism also presents itself in the guise of hoaxes and threats, which are designed to terrify and scare. Incidents you may encounter may include dealing with a bomb scare or a suspicious item sent in the mail or an item simply left on your premises. The most horrible situation is an actual terrorist bombing that could directly affect you and your staff. Are you and your employees prepared for such circumstances?

At its worst, terrorism can result in loss of life, wounding and permanent physical and psychological damage to its victims. Immeasurable suffering and collateral damage to the victim’s families and friends are irreparable results of a terrorist attack.

Painful as a terrorist act is in itself there are also strong organizational issues that mandate business owners and organization directors to do all in their power to prepare a plan to mitigate any possible terrorist event:

For a business or organization there are three clear motivations why you should plan for a terrorist attack:

Continuity: To enable your business or organization to cope with an attack and return to operation as soon as possible.
Legal obligations: In the aftermath of a terrorist event, the preparation and contingency plans that you put in place will come under scrutiny. Some regulations put the onus and responsibility directly on the owner or occupier of the premises. Your responsibilities at the time of the terror event will be to staff, program participants, and visitors. It is up to you to create an Anti-Terror Security Plan. In any subsequent investigations or lawsuits you may need to prove that you took into account all the applicable regulations.
Loss of reputation: You put heart and soul into building your business or organization and its reputation. All of that effort could be lost if a terrorist event occurs and you have not sufficiently prepared a preventative security plan and crisis-management plan.

Global Security Planning stands ready to assist you in the creation a comprehensive security plan adapted to your organizational needs and evolving terrorist threats. Our security experts will evaluate and assess your vulnerabilities and produce a working plan to protect the welfare of your staff, program participants, and visitors.